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Showing posts from September, 2018

Wildflowers and Garden Flowers of Sumedang, Indonesia

Kota leutik camperenik Najan leutik tapi resik Ngaliwat Cadas Pangeran  Mmmh, Kota Sumedang Dipapaes ku Cipeles Tampomas nu matak waas Cimalaka pamandian Ngagenyas caina herang It’s a part of a Sundanese song, which is written by Doel Sumbang. The song is about Sumedang, a regency in West Java. A small, green and beautiful regency. Sumedang has a famous mountain, it’s called Tampomas Mountains. That song told how beautiful it was. But, Tampomas Mountains is also famous for its significant amount of sand. So, there’re mining activities. According to Bahtiar (2016) in Sumedang Ekspress, some of them are illegal mining. As a result, some areas have been damaged. I ever went there, I saw it by myself, I thought it’s not Tampomas that I knew. It looks like a desert. The impact has been felt directly by the local people. For example, the air temperature has increased, as well as the number of springs around the area has decreased in discharge (Kabar Sumedang, 2014)
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