This is Menemerus bivittatus , commonly known as Gray Wall Jumper. It belongs to Salticidae, a family of jumping spider. I found this spider mostly on walls. Actually, it's approachable but sometimes it jumps. Scientific Name Menemerus bivittatus Common Name Gray Wall Jumper ID Naturalist 2 5205992 Location Sumedang, West Java Gear Samsung J5 (2015) + lensbong prosumer 25 mm Date Mei, 2019 Classification Class Arachnida - Arachnids Order Araneae - Spiders Family Salticidae - Jumping Spiders Species Menemerus Subspecies bivittatus - Gray Wall Jumper Female and male are different. This one (on my post) is the female one. It's brown with black stripes on the side of the abdomen and the cephalothorax. Fortunately, I also got the male photo and video of this spider.
"One will never know what he lost if he never knows what he had" -Wong and Arshad (2011).