(Taken by my brother, 2018) One day, I found a baby owl in my home. It's in a cage. My father told me he found it in our field. Honestly, I didn't like to take care of the owl in our home. I think nature can do it best. But my father explained to me that It fell down from coconut tree, and almost stepped on. So my father decided to bring it home. Unfortunately, I didn't know anything about owls. All I knew, the owl was just Buek ( Sundanese ). It's the first time I saw an owl on my own self directly, not just pictures on TV or the Internet. Then I tried to look for information about this owl. Finally, I knew It's Celepuk Reban ( Otus lempiji ). I didn't have any determination key of the bird. But I found a helpful page that gives information about owl species with pictures and characteristics each owl. I compared the owl that my father found with an owl that page explained. And the conclusion, the owl was Celepuk Reban ( Otus lempiji ). F
"One will never know what he lost if he never knows what he had" -Wong and Arshad (2011).