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Showing posts from June, 2018

Otus lempiji a.k.a Celepuk Reban a.k.a Sunda Scops-Owl a.k.a Buek

(Taken by my brother, 2018)  One day, I found a baby owl in my home. It's in a cage. My father told me he found it in our field. Honestly, I didn't like to take care of the owl in our home. I think nature can do it best. But my father explained to me that It fell down from coconut tree, and almost stepped on. So my father decided to bring it home. Unfortunately, I didn't know anything about owls. All I knew, the owl was just Buek ( Sundanese ). It's the first time I saw an owl on my own self directly, not just pictures on TV or the Internet. Then I tried to look for information about this owl. Finally, I knew It's Celepuk Reban ( Otus lempiji ). I didn't have any determination key of the bird. But I found a helpful page  that gives information about owl species with pictures and  characteristics each owl. I compared the owl that my father found with an owl that page explained. And the conclusion, the owl was  Celepuk Reban ( Otus lempiji ). F

Bumi Ini Berharga-Kepala Suku Seattle Indian

(Samodra, 2001) Sebuah pernyataan Kepala Suku Seattle Indian (1854) yang ditujukan kepada “Pimpinan Besar Orang Kulit Putih” yang berkedudukan di Washington ingin membeli tanahnya dan berjanji akan memberi “tanah perlindungan”. Saya cuplik dari sebuah buku yang saya dapat saat saya mencari referensi di Perpustakaan Museum Geologi mengenai kawasan kars, berjudul “Nilai Strategis Kawasan Kars di Indonesia” karya Hanang Samodra (2001) dan ini disadur dari naskah aslinya oleh R. K. T. Ko. Beliau merupakan seorang dokter yang aktif dalam konservasi wilayah kars. Disebutkan dalam buku tersebut, pernyataan ini dianggap sebagai pernyaatan mengenai lingkungan hidup paling indah. Dan saya setuju, dalam pernyataan Kepala Suku Seattle Indian terlihat bagaimana Ia begitu mencintai tanah kelahirannya. Setiap mereka memiliki nyawa. Alam adalah ibu baginya dan segala sesuatu di dalammnya adalah saudaranya. Mereka adalah keluarganya yang harus dijaga selayaknya keluarga sendiri. Sehingga tak

Nature, Snail and Conservation for Me

Me while snailing (Nurinsyiah, 2014) Nature is additive. There's something in nature makes me feel free, relax, comfortable, and i can enjoy everything about that. So, it's always fascinating to learn about it.  Actually, i have researched about land snail. And that was so amazing, i never expected before. Some of them were tiny creatures, we have to use a microscope to saw it clearly. But seriously, the tiny creatures brought me to know not only about themselves but more than that. I knew about the karst issue, the people and the ranger. The Rangers were the people who fought for nature conservation__the local people, the NGO, the government, the researchers/scientist, and everyone who care about nature. I saw by myself how the local people and the ranger fought for Karst Area. It was Sukolilo Karst Area. There was a conflict area. When we (I, my friend and our lovely supervisor, teh Ayu) just arrived in the area, we saw in the side of the road were sharped b
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