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Showing posts from January, 2019

Download Study of Land Snails & Indonesian Land Snails Identification Literatures

Land Snails Generally Pearce, T., and Aydin  Örstan. 2006.  Chapter 22: Terrestrial Gastropoda in C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds). The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation, American Malacological Society. Identification Jutting, W. S. S. van Benthem. 1948. Systematic studies on the Non-Marine Mollusca of the Indo-Australiaan Archipelago I. Critical Revision of the Javanese Operculate Lands-Shell of Families Hydrocenidae, Helicinidae, Cyclophoridae, Pupinidae and Cochlostomatidae.  Treubia.  19 (3): 539-606. Dharma, Bunjamin. 2005. Recent & Fossil Indonesian Shells . Hackenheim: ConchBooks Vermeulen, J.J., and A. J. Whitten. 1998.  Fauna Malesiana Guide To The Land Snail of Bali. Leiden: Backhuys Publishers. Nurinsiyah, A. S. 2015. Land Snail Fauna of The Sukolilo Karst In Java Indonesia. American Cochologist 43 (3): 30-32.  Ecology Nurinsiyah, A.S.,Fauzia, H., Hennig, C. and Hausdorf, B. 2016. Native and

Diversity of Land Snails Genus in Sukolilo Karst Area, District Grobogan and Pati, Central Java

ABSTRACT Land snail is one of the animals that live in the karst area. This area contains high calcium carbonat. Only spesific living thing can live and adapt to this condition. Therefore it tends to have endemic biodiversity. One of these areas in Indonesia is Sukolilo Karst Area, District Grobogan and Pati, Central Java. This research used direct and indirect (soil and litter samples) method. The result has shown that the diversity index is medium with value 2.34. Genera composition of land snails between two districts are same, with value 0.73%. There are 25 genera from 17 families of land snails: Achatina, Parmarion, Landouria, Amphidromus, Alycaeus, Cyclotus, Cyclophorus, LAgochilus, Leptopoma, Elaphroconcha, Helicarion, Geophorus, Trochomorpha, Diplommatina, Coeuplecta, Liardetia, Microcystina, Charopa, Philalanka, Hydrocena, Prosopeas, Opeas, Gyliotrachela, Gastrocopta, and Pupisoma. All genera almost lives on all microhabitat i.e, on earth (H1), in topsoil (H2), dead

Cyclophorus perdix perdix, Tenggek, Sumedang, West Java, Indonesia

They are Cyclophorus perdix perdix,  one  of land snail members.  I found them around the road near the local people plantation in my village.  Actually,  Sumedang isn't located in karst area, so it's hard to find any land snails here, except Acathina fulica and this snail ( Cyclophorus perdix perdix ) found easily. The local people called it Tenggek. They were found dead and i collected their shells. Actually,  Cyclophorus perdix perdix  has an operculum attached to their foot, but unfortunately, i didn't find it. Maybe, when they die, their bodies decay and the operculum separates. Cyclophorus perdix perdix, salah satu anggota keong darat. Saya menemukan mereka di sekitar jalan  dekat perkebunan warga di desa saya. Sebenarnya, Sumedang bukan wilayah kars, jadi sulit untuk menemukan keong darat, kecuali A cathina fulica   dan   keong ini ( Cyclophorus perdix perdix ). Orang-orang menyebut keong ini Tenggek Mereka ditemukan dalam keaadan mati dan saya meng

Penyortiran, Preservasi dan Identifikasi Keong Darat dari Beberapa Kawasan Kars Pulau Madura dan Pulau Jawa di Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense

  Abstrak Keong darat merupakan salah satu kelompok gastropoda. Keong darat memegang peran penting di ekosistem, di antaranya sebagai detritus dan indikator lingkungan. Karenanya, penting mempelajari lebih jauh mengenai keong darat. Dalam Kerja Praktik Lapangan yang dilaksanakan, kami mempelajari dan melakukan pemrosesan sampel tanah yang didapatkan dari lapangan hingga keong darat teridentifikasi. Hal ini dibagi ke dalam tiga tahapan yaitu, penyortiran, preservasi dan identifikasi. Penyortiran dilakukan dengan metode dry dan/atau wet . Presevasi dilakukan dengan membersihkan cangkang keong darat dengan air dan sikat gigi/kuas untuk keong berukuran besar/sedang/kecil, dan menggunakan Ultra Sonic Cleaner /kuas kecil untuk keong darat kecil. Identifikasi dilakukan dengan mengamati karateristik dan melakukan pengukuran pada keong darat dengan mengacu pada buku keong dari Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun (Heryanto dkk., 2003) dan buku lapangan Land Snails of Java (Heryanto, 2011).

A Survey on Land Snail Species Composition Based on Their Microhabitat in Sukolilo Karst Area, Central Java, Indonesia

Fitri Jatmika Purnama Sari 1 , Tri Cahyanto 1 , Ayu Savitri Nurinsiyah 2 * 1 Jurusan Biologi, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Jalan A. H . Nasution No. 105, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40614, Indonesia 2 Centrum für Naturkunde (CeNak) - Center of Natural History, Universität Hamburg,   Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, 20146 Hamburg , Germany * (ayu .savitri. nurinsiyah@ ) Abstract Karst region is an area where contains high calcium carbonate, therefore it tends to have endemic biodiversity, such as land snail. One of these areas in Indonesia is Sukolio Karst Area. We investigated the land snail composition in Sukolilo karst area, District Grobogan and Pati, Central Java , and recorded its microhabitat. Twenty plots of 10m x 10m were explored by applying time search method (2 hours/person/plot) and 100L soil and leaf litter samples were sorted and sieved. The land snails were categorised by microhabitat type i.e, on the  soil surface (H1),   beneath the soil (H2),
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